The response to the Corona virus is unprecedented. The fallout from so much social isolation will only complicate the new norms that will emerge as we come out of our homes and return to school and work. Unfortunately there is likely to be significant increases in childhood adversities that will lead to developmental trauma and childhood PTSD for many. These children will begin to show up in schools where the system will be unprepared to adequately create safety and comfort for children who cant get it anywhere else.
It is imperative that we get ahead of the increase in mental health needs that are going to arise once we are given the all clear to begin some semblance of normal social life again. School personnel and administrative levels of school policy need to understand that children are going to have other priorities once they come back into the classroom. The underlying socialization that drives motivation will need to take the front seat for a while. If we try to blast back into school work immediately this will prolong anxiety and relationship building for many of the most vulnerable children. While some children will come back to school ready to get back to the routine and activity of learning many others will not and that will cause chaos and increased fear and stress in the school environment.
The more that schools can build a plan of re-entry that includes ritualized authentic greeting, stress management breaks and team building the sooner children will orient towards a healthy future.